AIOU Assignment Marks Calculation Method 2024


Check Way How to Calculation Assignment Marks AIOU

Today I will tell you how many Allama Iqbal Open University Assignment Marks 2024 are included in the final result. In addition, many students also want to know if they will not be able to pass the assignment number if they pass.

Or it will not be passed, so today we went to talk about it in detail because Allama Iqbal University has recently released the assignment numbers of BA, and B.Com for spring 2024 on its website.  Then the students want to know how many marks they got in their assignment and how they can calculate them. So we just went into detail about it.

AIOU BA B.COM Assignment Marks Calculation

Before calculating how many asset numbers are included in the final result, let me tell you a few things. Number one, how many marks do you have on your assignment? If you have BA, B.Com Covid-19, then 40 marks for assignment pass numbers.

If you have a BA or B.Com Associate degree, then you have 50 50-mark assignments. In addition, you have to pass separately in the assignment and pass separately in the exams, and then your final result will include numbers. Also, the numbers will not be included. If you fail the assignment, you will fail the whole book


If you have a pass on the assignment and you can’t get the number on paper then your supply will come. Now let’s talk about what percentages of assignment numbers are included in the result, then what percentages of assignment numbers are included in the result.

BA, B.Com Associate Degree or BA, B.Com old has two types of books. The first type of book has four books. A book that has four assignments is called a complete book and the second type of book has two symmetries. A book that has two assignments is called a half book.

AIOU Assignment Marks Count Formula 2024

So there is a slight difference in the calculation of these two. Let me tell you the calculation of half a book first. For example, you have a half book and its assignment number is one and you have got 50 marks in two.

Now the numbers of both assignments have been subtracted. One hundred marks you have got in both assignments. So that you can pass the assignment after that you divide one hundred.

Multiply by two hundred and multiply by thirty. The answer that you will get is the number you got in the assignment. In addition, there are four assignments in the whole book 50 marks in the fourth assignment, and a total of two marks.

For Example:

  • Assignment 1 = 50
  • Assignment 2 = 50
  • 100 / 200 x 30 = 15

Out of four hundred, you will divide the two by four and multiply the calculation by thirty. If you get the answer, then you will get the marks for the book assignment which will be included in the final result. If you add calculations, then your real numbers are formed.

So here I have told you to calculate the Allama Iqbal Open University assignment number, what formula will be used for how you did the whole book, and how you will apply for half the book so that you can calculate your assignment numbers? How many of them are coming in as the final result?

  • Assignment 1 = 50
  • Assignment 2 = 50
  • Assignment 3 = 50
  • Assignment 4 = 50
  • 200 / 400 x 30 = 15

In addition, if a student’s book does not have an assigned number or data does not appear, it is clear that the tutor has made a mistake in entering the number.

When the final result comes, you will know whether the books are numbered or not. If they are not numbered, you will have to correct them. You should keep the information about your tutor safe from now on by keeping his name, address, and mobile number. Confirm whether he had numbered or not. If so, give some proof, etc.

If you have taken the evidence, you will not have to run away later. If the assignment was sent by post, then keep all the receipts. When the final Allama Iqbal assignment number result comes, you can fix it. I hope that you can understand the complete procedure of AIOU Assignment Marks Calculation 2024 spring and Autumn Semester Programs.

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Zeshan Akram
Zeshan Akram, an expert in AIOU and Pakistani education, with 8 years of teaching experience. Founder of, providing insightful articles on education.