AIOU Application Form for Student Name/Father Name Change


Download the AIOU Correction Form for Student Name / Father Name

Allama Iqbal Open University has introduced a modern way to facilitate the people when sending the AIOU Admission then AIOU Student Name Correction Father Name Application Form for the changing because a lot of candidates can mistakenly write the wrong name on the admission form.

After submitting them when the books or other things are received from the institute it was remembered that incorrect when needing the application for correction of name amendment AIOU application for name correction of Father Name and Student Name.

Allama Iqbal University Name Father Name Correction Form

Easily just fill up the AIOU

Correction Form Student’s Name and Father’s Name then send it to the university’s official address in Islamabad to pay the fee charges. A few days later the department of the examination is in contact with you by email address or mobile number registered on the Allama Iqbal University for informing the updates about their altering the name details.

The old and fresh candidates can remember him for amendment in their personal information have the same procedure and one of those forms is available. So don’t worry about them it is not any hard and fast rule the Open University of Allama Iqbal is introducing an easy and computerized way for the whole public to write the AIOU Application Form of Change Name /Father Name and then attach the deposited fee of the rectification and send to via post office or any currier service.

How to Fill AIOU Application Form for Correction Student Name/ Father Name

I will tell you about him The filling procedure is simple for everyone You can follow the instructions below we have described some points for you just follow to fill it out carefully for the modification of the AIOU Admission details Check now:

  • First, write the wrong name in the record of the university in capital words
  • Second, write the correct name in the capital words
  • All education documents tested copies are attached with him
  • Program Name
  • Semester Name
  • Roll No
  • Registration Number
  • CNIC Number
  • Postal Address
  • Mobile Number (Compulsory)

AIOU Correction Application Form for Students

I think the children understand the entire way how to write the AIOU Application Form for Change/Correction Student Name /Father Name if you write wrongly on the form. The requirements of the Allama Iqbal Open University for student AIOU name correction form in other words you can call him AIOU amendment form download here.

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Zeshan Akram
Zeshan Akram, an expert in AIOU and Pakistani education, with 8 years of teaching experience. Founder of, providing insightful articles on education.